
Benefit From Our Regulatory Consulting

Technology, Media & Telecommunication(TMT)

We have put together a team of specialist who are able to make sense of challenges and opportunities in the telecoms, media and technology (TMT) sectors in order to help clients make critical business decisions. Our main focus areas are:

  • 1. Spectrum Management and Policy
  • 2. Postal and Courier Sector Regulation and Policy
  • 3. Regulatory Benchmarking
  • 4. Regulatory Pricing / cost modelling
  • 5. Public Policy Development and Implementation
  • 6. Project Management


Why Regulatory Consulting?

The complexity of today’s regulatory environment is unprecedented. To help you define and strategically approach the relevant threats for your business, Unievo Technology has put together a team with real world experience to create an integrated approach that effectively ensures your business complies with regulatory requirements of local jurisdiction and International best practices.

Delivering tangible benefits to clients across the entire telecoms landscape, including investors, communications and digital service providers (CSPs), vendors, private equity and infrastructure funds, governments, regulators, broadcasters and content providers, our consultants understand the distinct local challenges facing clients, in addition to the wider effects of global forces.